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Season One Episode Four

Season One Episode Four

Gardening, An Rx For Joy

In Episode Four, you’ll learn about Judith’s ability to kill a plastic plant if given enough time, and how her retirement brought about a transformation when it came to embracing Mother Nature and the act of gardening. She’ll offer a host of benefits, including a surprising fact about getting your hands dirty, along with a great resource if you want to garden, but have limiting health issues.

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Show Notes

• Getting used to retirement
• Discovering a passion for gardening
• Physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of gardening
• Not overdoing it and accepting our limitations

Quotes Worth Repeating
“Here I was, finally letting go of “shoulds” and embracing “wants” instead.” J Henry
“At one point, I could have killed a plastic plant if given enough time.” J Henr
”In retirement I stopped buying clothes and started buying yard tools.”

“…we can grow and we can flourish. What it takes is our time and attention, and our willingness to speak kindly and encourage ourselves to keep on blooming .” J Henry
“Gardening is an instrument of grace.” May Sarton

Website/App/Book Recommendations
Gentle Gardening: a low-energy guide for uncooperative bodies
Erin Alladin’s YouTube channel on gardening
My favorite garden gloves from Amazon
Farmers Defense Protective Arm Coverings

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