Welcome to “One Mouthy Dame,” a podcast about empowering women in their 60’s, 70’s and beyond to embrace aging with the three G’s - guts, gratitude, and good humor.

My name is Judith Henry and I’ve got lots to share about my low-budget journey of aging and self discovery. In addition to straight talk about staying resilient, and creating ways to soothe and support your mind, body, and spirit, you’ll get book suggestions, web and product recommendations, gorgeous poetry and the occasional down-to-earth interview. Episodes are short and helpful, because who has time to waste; and sometimes funny, since laughter can often save us when nothing else will!

During Season One, I’ll be releasing two episodes at a time every month for four months, beginning in mid-June. If you enjoy them, please subscribe, share and leave a review wherever you’re listening!

Also, if you’re younger than the podcast demographic, I invite you to listen in. You’ll find a fresh perspective on aging that may be just what’s needed to open up the lines of communication with older friends and family.

Disclaimer: What I discuss on my podcast is not a substitute for professional counseling, medical advice or treatment. Listeners should speak with a healthcare professional before acting on any suggestions or experiences shared on the podcast. Also, I do not receive any compensation for recommendations made.

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Two New Episodes Monthly Starting Early June, 2024