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Season One Episode Two

Season One Episode Two

Guts, Gratitude, And Good Humor

In the second episode of “One Mouthy Dame,” Judith talks about the importance of embracing each of the three G’s - Guts, Gratitude and Good Humor, and how they relate to growing older and continuing to live your best life.

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Show Notes

• What do we call ourselves? How about Perennials?
• Introducing the three G’s - Guts, Gratitude, and Good Humor
• Guts - if you’ve made it this far, you’ve got them
• Gratitude - Research shows the benefits of making a list, big and small
• Good humor - it will save you when nothing else can

Quotes Worth Repeating
Perennials - to me it means that we're strong enough to survive the winters of our lives and go on to thrive and blossom with each new spring and summer. As for Fall, I see it as a time to get quiet. Go deep.  And release the things that no longer serve us. “ J Henry 
”…your guts and courage give hope to others dealing with tough times.”
J Henry
”Practicing Gratitude improves both our mental health and our physical health.” J Henry
“What a relief to know the chin hairs of Orange County are safe for another day.” J Henry
“Laughing at the absurdities of life can save us when nothing else will do.” J Henry
“Humor can be an act of courage during turmoil, a way to step back and regain perspective, and sometimes it can even be a life-affirming way to process our grief.” J Henry

Website/App/Book Recommendations
Art/Podcast Website: JudithHenryCreative
Author Website: JudithDHenry

Season One Episode Three

Season One Episode Three

Season One Episode One

Season One Episode One