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Season One Episode Eight

Season One Episode Eight

It’s Hearing Aid Season

Join Judith in Episode Eight as she describes what prompted her to purchase hearing aids, how she views the need to wear them, what she learned about ignoring a hearing issue, and the options you have available. In the spirit of honesty, she’ll share her one complaint about wearing them, but figures it’s a small price to pay.   

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Show Notes

• The serious health impacts of hearing loss
• People’s impressions of hearing aids
• Types of hearing aids
• Basis for choosing a hearing aid
• My experience with wearing hearing aids
• Hearing muffled after removing aids? Here's why.

Quotes Worth Repeating
“Time to move past the stigma of hearing aids.” – J Henry
“I refuse to feel less able just because I need some help. J Henry
“I'd expect your hearing to be muffled (after removing the hearing aids) because your brain has gotten used to hearing through the aids.” Audiologist
“Knowing when to ask for assistance is a sign of maturity and strength, not weakness.” J Henry

Website/App/Book Recommendations
Hearing aid costs in 2024
Hearing Loss, Alzheimers, and other cognitive issues
Types of hearing aids
Why get hearing aids?

Season One Episode Seven

Season One Episode Seven