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Blue Jean Baby

Blue Jean Baby

I’ve been doing a lot of slow stitch work lately. Not only is it very calming, but it’s also an opportunity to upcycle old and gently used textiles like linen napkins, placemats, and tea towels.  While the process is a meditative one, I’m the kind of gal who has to assign a practical purpose for the work - as if taking a mental health break isn’t enough. So, I’ve started making these joyful little fabric wallets, which can hold your phone, a credit card, keys and even a lipstick. Perfect for quick trips to the grocery store, the library or any place you don’t feel like schlepping a big purse. Each one has its own quirky personality, and yes, the stitching is sometimes imperfect, as we all are.


Blue Leaf Wallett Inside.jpg
Blue Leaf Wallet Back.jpg

Cotton, Linen, and Embellishments
Approx 6 x 4


BoHo Baby

BoHo Baby

Mining The Past

Mining The Past