The Tables Have Turned: My Gall Bladder and Me
Life has come full circle. Ten years ago I wrote about helping to care for our parents in their later years, and here I am looking those “later years” right in the eye. After a trip to the ER the other night, ( a story unto itself…) I learned that my gall bladder needs to come out. The next day, I went back to my book and refreshed myself on questions to ask the surgeon at an appointment next week, and reviewed important health care documents to have with me at the hospital. I even pulled together a list of items to create a hospital bag containing anything I might need from home for an ER or hospital stay. Damn, that book is helpful.
Whether you buy my book or figure this all out on your own, do yourself a favor and prepare ahead as reasonably as you can for unexpected health events. It really will save you stress and anxiety later on. And I’m not just saying that because I want your $11.99 with free shipping in the US.